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Kiddush Sponsorship

Shabbat Morning Kiddush Sponsorship

Thank you for offering to sponsor a Kane Street Shabbat Kiddush!
Contributions like yours are integral to sustaining our kehilla.

If you would like to co-sponsor a Shabbat Morning Kiddush or a Holiday Kiddush, please fill out the details below, including the level at which you would like to contribute.

We will be in touch shortly after you submit this form, to talk about any special requests you might have.

Please note that sponsoring a basic Kiddush generally costs around $1,500.

Thank you!

Sponsorship Details

Your confirmation will be sent to this address.

Kiddush Details

If you would like sponsor a kiddush alongside the celebration of a Brit Milah, Bat Simha, B'nei Mitzvah, Aufruf or Marriage taking place at the Synagogue, or if you will be expecting a large number of guests to mark another simha, please contact Mickey Dobbs before proceeding.
Please also provide the name/s of the parent/s too!

Please click  Submit  below to proceed to payment.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784