Sponsor Mishloaḥ Manot
Purim Packages

If you are a synagogue member or have previously made a transaction with Kane Street Synagogue, please log in to your account.
This will ensure that your payment is properly credited, and that you can use any previously saved method of payment. If you are a synagogue member, the charge may also be allowed to be billed to your account.
If you have never logged in before, please go to kanestreet.org/activate to set up access to your account. Thank you!
This will ensure that your payment is properly credited, and that you can use any previously saved method of payment. If you are a synagogue member, the charge may also be allowed to be billed to your account.
If you have never logged in before, please go to kanestreet.org/activate to set up access to your account. Thank you!
For centuries, Purim baskets have been given to celebrate the Jewish people’s survival.
Festive bags will be distributed to Kane Street Kids preschool students and staff, and to everyone at the community Megillah reading on the evening of Thursday, March 13.
We’re grateful to fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloaḥ Manot, share holiday greetings, and support our congregation.
All sponsors are thanked via an email to the Congregation. Those who donate by the deadline will be included on the acknowledgment card (please indicate if you wish to remain anonymous.)
The extended deadline for Mishloaḥ Manot sponsorships is Thursday, March 6 at 9:00pm!
Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785